Shout out to my homeboys out in Portland, OR. Thanks for ordering a 30-pack of I F#cking Love This Album.
Not really, but I did send 10 copies out to the amazing Baltimore institution known as Atomic Books. When you're in Charm City be sure to check them out.
Billy's new book is in! He turned his wonderful zine series, The Difference Between, into one awesome book. Pocket size and affordable this book should be on errrybodies wishlist.
I F#cking Love This Album is now available at:
Quimby's Bookstore - Brooklyn Bluestockings Books - Manhattan Shout out to for ordering up this little package. Thanks Guys.
Heavy topic, light zine. Anna draws and explains some of the weird and useful stuff she picked up after her husband was diagnosed with cancer. Good zine, good read.
Our table from Trenton Punk Rock Flea Market 10/21/17. Thanks to Freddy from The Turnbucklers and Chris from DirtXwater. Our table looks dope guys.
AuthorThe Word Distribution brings you all things DIY. Music, art, pins, buttons, patches and of course - zines. |